This is a common condition where you lack having healthy red blood cells. There are Anemia signs to watch out for as the main concern with this is that it does not allow you to have proper oxygen reach your body’s tissues.
When you have this condition, you will feel very weak and lethargic. This kind of condition can actually come in various forms. And there are several reasons for it.
Sometimes having an anemia can actually be a cause of concern and worrisome for something bigger. It can be a warning sign for a far more serious illness.
In this article I am going to be talking in detail about how does this condition stand against various concerns. You need to have proper oxygen to allow all of your cells to get the nutrition they need.
So let’s move on and learn more on the condition of anemia:
What is Anemia?
This basically happens when the red blood cells in your body begin to lessen gradually. It is actually quite a common disorder.
What causes it is that you have health issues and concerns already in the body. And those begin to interfere with how your body is producing red blood cells. It causes problems with the breaking of these cells.
When you take on a routine blood test, you will notice that anemia is basically having low hemoglobin. This is actually the main element of your red blood cells. It is also which is carrying oxygen to all the different parts of the body.
When somebody is developing anemia, they are called to be ‘anemic’. You will likely be feeling tired and cold most of the time.
If you have anemia, you will have hemoglobin levels that are actually very low. It is a very common blood condition. This condition affects more than a billion worldwide.
Now let’s talk about the symptoms:
Symptoms of Anemia
Anemia symptoms can vary. If the anemia is caused by a chronic condition, the disease is masked. However it can be detected through various tests.
A few of the most common symptoms and signs which you are likely to suffer from:
- Fatigue sense
- Weakness is also quite common too
- You will likely suffer from yellowish skin
- There are also irregular heartbeats concern
- Shortness of breath
- Having a sore tongue
- It is a fast or unusual heartbeat
- You will also feel a sense of dizziness
- Chest pain is another condition
- A pale and dry skin
- Having bruised skin
- Some children can suffer from growth concerns, especially children and teens
- There will be unintended movement in your lower legs
- Cold hands and feet can happen
- Getting frequent headaches is also common
In certain cases, you will only suffer from mild conditions. You probably wouldn’t even notice them. But certain symptoms can even worsen if anemia worsens.
Now let’s move onto the causes:
Causes of Anemia
There are some essential materials that can relate to anemia. Dietary iron, vitamin B-12, as well as folate, are actually quite important elements needed in the body.
Did you know that your body’s red blood cells get replaced almost every day. The average lifespan of these red blood cells is usually about 150days.
The concern with anemia is that it can happen for plenty of reasons. Let’s now talk about those:
Blood Loss- One of Anemia Signs
This is a condition in which you will be facing certain iron-deficiency . When you have to face shortage of iron in the blood, it will actually lead to this condition in which you will suffer from low iron levels.
It is when your body begins to lose blood, you will be drawing water from other tissues as well. This keeps the blood vessels full. The additional water will also dilute the blood, and this will then reduce the red blood cell count.
You know how blood loss is acute as well as rapid and chronic. When you talk of rapid blood loss, it will also include surgery, and even trauma.
But the major reason for chronic blood loss leads to anemia. It can also lead to stomach ulcers, cancer and even tumor.
Some of the major causes of anemia also include:
- having gastrointestinal conditions include ulcers, cancer and gastritis
- when you make use of certain nonsteroidal drugs which include aspirin and even ibuprofen
- suffering from high menstrual bleeding
Decreased RBCs- One of leading Anemia Signs
This basically pertains to how bone marrow plays a major role in creating the red blood cells. The marrow is one of the major elements you need to develop the red blood cells, white blood cells as well as platelets.
But how does it get affected?
There are a number of diseases which impact the way bone marrow is affected. This includes leukemia. It is a type of cancer which can trigger the production of excessive white blood cells formation.
This will disrupt the production of red blood cells.
Types of Anemia
When we talk about anemia, there are various symptoms you need to look out for. There are some forms of anemia which have specific symptoms. These can vary but will include:
Asplastic Anemia
This causes you to have mild fever. As well as infrequent infections and even certain skin rashes.
Folic Acid Deficiency
In this kind, the anemia signs is you will likely suffer from irritability, diarrhea as well as a smooth tongue.
Hemolytic Anemia
This is something which relates to jaundice. You will also suffer from dark urine as well as fever. There is also an abdominal pain which you suffer from.
Sickle Cell Anemia
This is a state in which you will suffer from painful swelling in the feet and hands. You will also likely have to face the issues of fatigue and jaundice.
The Destruction of RBCs
Did you know that the red blood cells actually have a lifespan of between 120-150days only?
This is in the bloodstream. However in certain cases, the body will actually destroy the cells even before they complete the natural cycle.
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is one of the most common kinds of anemia. It is when the immune system actually gets confused that the RBCs may actually consider it to be a foreign substance. And it will then attack them.
Other than that, some other relating factors which play a role in the breakdown of these cells, include:
- having certain kinds of infections
- taking on drugs which includes antibiotics
- suffering from hypertension
- getting vascular grafts and even prosthetic heart valves
- being subjected to the state in which toxins are made due to kidney and even liver diseases
- getting attacked by a snake or spider and having its venom spread through the body
Risk Factors of Anemia Signs
There are also certain risk factors and problems which increase your chances of getting anemia. These will include:
- A diet which does not consist of vitamins and minerals- this means you will have to suffer from low iron levels, vitamin B-12 as well as folate. When these are low in amount, it means your chance of getting anemia is high.
- Suffering from intestinal disorders is also a cause for concern. This will affect the way your body absorbs nutrients . When it is not effectively doing that job, it will be putting you at higher risk of anemia.
- In this case, women you are not prone to menopause will be facing a greater risk of iron deficiency anemia. This is because menstruation leads to you having anemia.
- Your family history can also be a cause of concern. This is called inheritance anemia. Like sickle cell anemia.
- Age is also a leading factor as people above the age of 65 years will be suffering from higher risks of anemia.
So how to prevent it? Yes, turns out there are some prevention dynamics you can make use of. These will include:
Prevention of Anemia
In order to present this kind of condition, one of the leading things you must look into how you can combat iron deficiency. As this is the leading cause of all the issues.
So to do that, you should be eating and consuming a range of fruits and vegetables. Look into consuming many kinds of superfoods. This will be including lots of vitamins and minerals to enjoy.
- Hence your varied diet should be having a good amount of :
Iron- the iron-rich foods include beef, meat, beans, lentils as well as other dark green and leafy vegetables.
- Folate- it is important that you look into how you should be consuming this nutrient. It is found in a large number of fruits and juices. As well as green peas, kidney beans, peanuts and even breads, cereals and pasta.
- Vitamin C-The foods which are rich in Vitamin C will include citrus fruits, juices, broccoli, strawberries.
- Vitamin B-12- This basically relates to how food items which contain lots of vitamin B-12. It will include meats, dairy products, as well as fortified cereals and soy choices too.
Your diet is in your hands. Ensure that it is well-taken care of by consuming a wide variety of vegetables and fruits. This will ensure that there is a minimal risk of you contracting anemia. Watch out for anemia signs and be prepared to take precautions.