Having a baby can bring such immense joy into your life. It is something everyone wishes for, well those who have strong motherly instincts. But it is definitely something which can come with certain health concerns. One of which is called postpartum depression. There are several postpartum depression symptoms which you need to look out for, in order to have complete diagnosis and treatment plan.

Women consider they have baby blues and these will seemingly go away on its own. However that is not the case for every woman. Sometimes it is more than just the ordinary baby blues. In case you feel anything which is not coming into the spectrum of feel-good emotions, despite having had a baby for quite for sometime, then it is best that you visit the doctor.
In this article we will be covering how to detect when something is wrong, identify the symptoms which will help combat the condition.
So let’s begin our discussion:
Understanding Postpartum Depression
It is common for a new mom to feel she is very tired. They may also feel like they are continuously worrying and are in a sad state. This fatigue and tiredness is something which stays on for a while, but in time, it will wear off.
This is what we call as ‘baby blues’. And about 80percent of all new moms will be going through it. But postpartum depression is advanced in nature. It is actually more powerful and it will be staying on for a longer duration.
Let’s now first look into what are the ways to identifying if you indeed are suffering from baby blues:
Baby Blues Symptoms
When it comes to identifying the baby blues symptoms, it is impertinent to identify what these are so you have a clearer understanding to what condition you are suffering from:
- Mood swings can be an on/off situation
- You will have a strong onset of anxiety
- In some cases you will be overcome with complete sadness, but these will also go away on there own
- In certain situations, you will start to feel overwhelmed
- Appetite problems and concerns can take over but this lasts only in the first, second week of having your baby
- You will also likely suffer from sleeping concerns. But this too can be handled by taking on some relaxing techniques
- In certain cases, you will feel a sense of irritation will take over you.
So these were some of the mild symptoms which identify baby blues and how they are very simple and can be taken care of, as compared to the serious symptoms of postpartum depression.
It is quite a serious disorder. And you will need to get a proper diagnosis on it in time. Otherwise the treatment will be long and complicated.
So this brings us to understanding and identifying the symptoms which will shine the light on this condition. So you are well-aware of the warning signs before you can take steady action.
Postpartum Depression Symptoms

While it is extremely normal for you feel major mood swings setting in when you just had a baby, this medical condition is far more than that. It depicts a situation which is coupled with severe symptoms. And this will be impacting your ability to even function properly.
Let’s now check out what those symptoms are, these are indicators which point towards the areas of concern, which need your attention readily.
- You are crying continuously. It is not possible to even pinpoint the reason for the same
- Feeling a rush of sad emotions come over you
- In some cases you will turning to sleep to console you over your situation. This means you will be sleeping longer hours. And there is no proper sleeping pattern as well, making it an unhealthy routine. It can lead to sleep apnea too.
- The opposite can also be a sign of postpartum depression. It is when you are feeling completely exhausted but you cannot sleep.
- It is also possible that you are not having any interest in food. In fact you find it is a complete mission to even try to nibble down any kind of food
- You will be feeling and going through different kinds of aches, pains and even severe illnesses. This is something which you cannot combat and cannot even determine the reason behind it so
- It can also be when you have the urge to continue eating. You are just gobbling down food without focusing on the taste and flavors
Severe Postpartum Depression Symptoms

So earlier we looked into some of the common symptoms which a person who is suffering from postpartum depression will be going through.
Now I want to talk about some of the severe symptoms you may be going through:
- Feeling extreme levels of irritation. It just becomes worse and you will be getting angry over the smallest of reasons.
- You will feel like your life is going out of control
- It is also becomes impossible for you to enjoy the simple pleasures in life even something like smiling
- Mood swings can happen suddenly and can trigger without a warning
- You will find it is becoming difficult to remember in the smallest of things and making simple decisions becomes a major feat in itself
- Also the things which keep you happy and excited will start losing their appeal. You will soon feel bored with them and it will not be possible for anything or anyone to make you satisfied anymore
More Advanced Symptoms
- One of the worst things a new mom goes through is that she will start to feel disconnected with her baby. This is a major guilt which would overtake you and you will find yourself wondering whether this will be the constant situation.
- It becomes overwhelming for you to even carry out the simplest of tasks. You will be feeling a complete sense of hopelessness and find your spirts always down the drain
- In certain cases, women who have just had a baby will start to feel they are worthless. They will be highly affected and this is a severe symptom. It can also lead to suicidal thoughts when you start to feel that your existence does not matter in any way
- In certain cases, you will be feeling completely isolated and lonely despite being surrounded with your loved ones. You will withdraw from social gatherings and find your own surroundings and space more pleasurable.
- It becomes important that you escape from everyone and everything. You will not find joy in anything that you do. Nothing can make you feel better about yourself
These are some of the advanced symptoms. Your friends and family will start noticing them. The question is- how long will they linger on?
It is important that you get treatment for these symptoms in a readily manner, otherwise they will get worse. The longevity of the symptoms also plays a role in how the treatment process will begin.
Now let’s make it clear on how important it is to see a doctor when you feel the symptoms need to be managed better.
Remember when you feel there is something not quite right- speak to your doctor. This will ensure that your diagnosis is done properly. Only then will you be able to get the proper treatment done.
When You Should See Your Doctor

It is true that some people feel embarrassed about their condition and don’t really feel comfortable talking about it openly. Although it is also true that if you have symptoms which are persisting for a long time, then you need to get medical attention.
Postpartum depression is a serious condition and you need to be well-aware of the symptoms. If you just had a baby and the baby blues are lingering on for long, it is time to visit your healthcare provider.
You should be booking an appointment with your doctor when any of the following signs of having depression which is:
- Lasting way longer than 1-2 weeks. This is a sign that something is not quite right and you need to get an assessment done.
- The symptoms are actually getting worse and you feel you are not being able to bond with your child in a good way just yet.
- It is becoming hard for you to perform simple everyday tasks.
- You are engulfed with terrifying thoughts which include harming yourself and your baby
- Getting agitated and not enjoying the company of anyone, keeping to yourself for hours in self-loathe
So this was basically a complete overview of what is postpartum depression and how it differs from baby blues. We looked into the details of the symptoms. There are the basic symptoms and also advance symptoms.
In this article I shared all the details you should be knowing of when it comes to recognizing the condition and working out the action plan to make sure you are getting the proper treatment according to the diagnostics. This is a serious condition but the good thing is when you recognize the symptoms properly, you can get a proper diagnosis, ensuring its treatment in the best, possible way.