Kidney infection or pyelonephritis is a type of urinary tract infection, UTI.
It generally begins in your urethra or bladder and travels to one or both of your kidneys.
In most cases, the bacteria that cause this infection come from another part of the urinary tract like the bladder, ureters, or urethra.
Moreover, kidney infections commonly affect people who already have a bladder infection, females, and pregnant people.
People who experience the symptoms of kidney infection should seek medical advice or medical attention as soon as possible.
This is because this condition can cause permanent kidney damage or spread to other parts of the body.
Keep in reading to learn more about the symptoms of kidney infection and how your doctor will diagnose and treat it.
Signs and Symptoms of a Kidney Infection
You can develop a kidney infection quickly within a day or a few hours.
Moreover, the kidney infection symptoms are:
Furthermore, if there is a corresponding urinary tract infection or UTI, you may also experience pain or difficulty while urinating.
This may feel like a burning or stinging sensation.
While some other symptoms are bloody urine, cloudy urine, foul-smelling urine, and frequent urination.
Furthermore, the inability to fully empty the bladder, pain in the lower abdomen, and confusion are symptoms of kidney infection.
Males vs. Females
It is important to note that males and females have similar symptoms if they have a kidney infection.
However, females are more likely to contract a kidney infection.
This is because the urethra of a female is typically shorter than that of a male.
Moreover, the vagina of a female and anus are closer to the urethra and this makes it easier for the bacteria to enter the body via the urinary tract.
Pregnant females are also more likely to develop a UTI or kidney infection.
On the other hand, male under the age of 65 presenting with a URI is likely to have the possibility of other conditions ruled out first.
Doctors can check them for other types of infection and for signs of a UTI.
Understanding Urinary Tract
Your urinary tract consists of:
Kidney: The majority of humans have two kidneys, one on either side of the abdomen.
Your kidneys are responsible for removing poisonous substances from the blood.
Ureters: Urine passes from the kidneys to the bladder through tubes: ureters.
Each kidney has one ureter connecting it to the bladder.
Bladder: This is a hollow organ in the lower abdomen that stores urine.
Urethra: A tube that carries from the bladder to outside the body.
In men, the urethra travels down the middle of the penis to an opening at the end.
However, in females, the urethra runs from the bladder to just above the vaginal opening.
The urethra in females is shorter than in males.
Causes of a Kidney Infection
A kidney infection occurs due to bacteria or viruses entering the urethra and reproducing in the bladder, thus triggering an infection.
In most cases, a kidney infection is the result of a bladder infection that travels to the kidneys.
An infection can take place due to:
- transference from bowel to genital during sexual intercourse
- accidentally transferring feces to the urethra while wiping with toilet paper after a bowel movement
- contracting a UTI
While risk factors of kidney infection are kidney stones, having a urinary catheter, an enlarged prostate in males, pregnancy, and diabetes.
Some other risk factors are:
- having urinary tract reflux where the urinary tract allows urine to flow or flow of urine back up into the ureters
- a weakened immune system due to the use of medications or a medical condition
- a spinal cord injury or nerve damage that can block symptoms of a bladder infection
- having a urinary tract shaped in a way where urine may not pass through easily
- vesicoureteral reflux where the urinary tract allows urine to flow back into the ureters
Diagnosis of a Kidney Infection
A medical professional will check your medical history for health conditions that link to kidney infection.
While diagnostic procedures may include:
Physical Examination
A medical professional will carry out a physical examination, where they will check your general state of health.
This will include your:
- heart rate
- blood pressure
- temperature
- signs of dehydration
- respiratory rate
Moreover, a healthcare professional will also check or assess the mid to lower back for pain, sensitivity, or tenderness.
Rectal Examination
In case the person is male, a medical professional may check for enlarged prostate that blocks the neck of the bladder and urethra using a digital rectal examination.
Pelvic Examination
In case the person is a young female, the doctor will examine the pelvic examination to verify whether there is any asymptomatic pelvic inflammatory disease.
Moreover, a female may also need to take a pregnancy test.
Urine Sample
You may need to collect a mid-stream urine sample in a special container for lab analysis.
If the urine sample contains bacteria and white blood cells, it can indicate an infection.
Moreover, they can also do urine culture.
Both symptoms and lab results can help to make a diagnosis.
A health care professional may ask for imaging of the kidney area that includes a CT scan, MRI Scan, or ultrasound.
Complications of a Kidney Infection
When you do not seek prompt treatment for a kidney infection, there is a risk of seriuos complications.
These are:
Emphysematous Pyelonephritis, EPN
This is a very rare, potentially fatal complication.
EPN is a severe infection in which the necrotizing bacteria destroy the kidney tissues.
Symptoms of this condition are:
- fever
- nausea
- abdominal pain
- vomiting
- confusion
While risk factors include women living with diabetes. You may need surgery if you have this condition.
This condition can be life threatening if you do not seek treatment.
Kidney Abscesses
Pus can accumulate in the kidney tissues in abscesses.
Symptoms are blood in urine, weight loss, and abdominal pain.
In some cases, surgery is necessary to drain the pus, while risk factors are kidney stones, pregnancy, and diabetes.
Acute Renal Failure
One of both of your kidneys may stop working and you may need dialysis while treatment starts to take effect.
Thus causing kidney failure.
Renal Vein Thrombosis
A blood clot in one of the major kidney veins can result in a lack of blood in the organ.
Moreover, this condition can cause acute kidney injury or chronic kidney disease
Blood Poisoning or Sepsis
Sepsis is a medical emergency that needs swift medical diagnosis and treatment.
It results in dropping blood pressure, thus affecting blood circulation.
Furthermore, blood can be moving so slowly that it begins to clot within the blood vessels and your kidneys may begin to fail if the blood is not circulating correctly.
Symptoms of sepsis are edema, difficulty breathing, fatigue, nausea, seizures, confusion, and coma.
Risk of Complications
Anyone who suspects they have a kidney infection should seek prompt medical attention.
Moreover, kidney infection may especially cause complications in:
- males
- pregnant females who might have asymptomatic infections
- people with an obstruction in the tubes from kidneys
- immunocompromised people adults over the age of 80
- hydronephrosis, or swelling of one or both kidneys as a result of a blockage in the ureter or an anatomical abnormality
- kidney stones or renal tract calculi
- a rare, abnormal connection between the bladder and the colon or colovesical fistula
- someone with a catheter inserted or as a result of relying on a catheter after medical procedures
- infections that occur or persist despite good treatment
Treatment Options
In case your doctor suspects kidney your doctor will order a test for urine.
The usual course of treatment for a kidney infection is antibiotics, though in some cases, you may be among people who require other forms of treatment.
In case your symptoms suggest an infection, a healthcare professional will prescribe antibiotics before the test results return.
Moreover, you will need to take pain relief.
When taking antibiotics, you must finish the whole course of medicine.
When the results return, a medical professional may change the antibiotic to one that will more effectively treat the infection.
Furthermore, the antibiotics prescribed depend on you presenting with the infection and your medical history.
You may be sensitive to certain antibiotics.
The first treatment often involves general antibiotics with stronger medication available if the first one fails.
Also, antibiotics for the treatment of kidney infection are nitrofurantoin, trimethoprim, fosfomycin, pivmecillinam hydrochloride, amoxicillin, cephalexin, ciprofloxacin, cefuroxime, and co-amoxiclav.
With a kidney infection, you should consume plenty of fluids to help prevent fever and dehydration.
Fluid intake recommendations may vary, depending on the type of infection.
Hospital Treatment
In case your symptoms are not improving, or are becoming more severe, you may need treatment in the hospital.
You will have antibiotics administered intravenously through a vein in the arm.
However, if you experience dehydration, a doctor will administer fluids with a drip.
Most cases of hospitalization do not last more than 3 to 7 days.
In case you have kidney stones or enlarged prostate that is blocking the urinary tract, you may need treatment through surgery.
Prevention Tips
In most cases, a kidney infection is a result of a preexisting infection in the urinary tract.
The way to help prevent a kidney infection is by taking steps to avoid an infection in the urethra or bladder.
Some tips are:
Hydration: Make sure to drink plenty of fluids, especially water
Urination: Urinate whenever there is an urge, and do not wait.
Sexual Intercourse: Make sure to urinate after sexual intercourse and wash the genitalia before and after intercourse.
Hygiene: Wash the genitals every day and do not use deodorant sprays or a douche on the genitals.
Toilet Hygiene: After passing the stool, wipe the anus from front to back as this will help to reduce the risk of spreading bacteria to the genitals.
Fiber: Eat plenty of fiber so that stools come out easily and do not cause irritation or skin lesion.
While constipation increases the risk of developing a kidney infection and a lack of fiber has links to kidney stones.
Final Thoughts
A kidney infection is a result of a number of conditions, while the most common one is UTi. Females of all ages and males over 65 years are more likely to contract a kidney infection. While most of these resolve themselves with plenty of fluids, preferably water, and a short course of action, some may need additional treatment. In females when the urethra is shorter or pregnant women can have an infection.
You should consult with a medical professional or seek medical advice if you suspect a kidney infection. Some infections can lead to more serious conditions that will need hospital treatment. You can reduce your chances of contracting a kidney infection by maintaining good hygiene and good tiled habits after passing stool, wiping front to back after passing stool, and urinating and washing the genitals after sexual intercourse.